GUS Daily Digest Mon, 1 May 95 9:37 PST Volume 22: Issue 1 Today's Topics: 32 Bit Windows Apps + GUS ACE and MOD for Win Computer Music bibliography Cyclones slow down Drums in MIDI Electric Guitar Patches... GUS Daily Digest V21 #29 GUS FAQ Q*: Sound Effects Editing Gus for sale2 GUS Josytick Port Gus setup for Windows 95 I'm gonna do a no no... MAXSBOS and GUS port number Midi files/software archives on the Internet Stuff SUBSCRIBE ULTRATRACKER v1.6 (Volume changes) windows lockups Standard Info: - Meta-info about the GUS can be found at the end of the Digest. - Before you ask a question, please READ THE FAQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 01 May 1995 07:24:58 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: 32 Bit Windows Apps + GUS OK, I bought my son _Freddi Fish_ by Humongous Entertainment the other day and had problems with the sound card right off the bat (this is getting a bit stale by now). I called Humongous (with my 3 year-old nearly in tears) and they told me to get a patch from Gravis to fix the problem. I downloaded the GUS0048.ZIP patch from the Gravis archive and copied it to \windows\system (like the instructions said). No more traps, but the music and speech are royally messed up. The speech cuts in and out, and the music does the same. I had the same problem when running _The Farm_ demo that comes on the CD. I finally decided to go back to my SBPro card when running Windows apps. The sound is pretty crummy, but at least it works. I'm getting tired of all of the problems I am getting with the GUS Max card. Does anybody know of a fix so that I can get back to using the GUS Max under Windows? Bill Hyman ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Apr 95 14:57:08 EDT From: (Bryan K. Baskin) Subject: ACE and MOD for Win Hey Y'all, To ACE guy: Looks like both IRQ's are set to 15. That ain't gonna work to well. Set one to 11 or something like that. Also DMA 7 is available if you want 16 bit DMA's for the ACE. To MOD for WIN guy, It sucks, dump it. It doesn't use the GUS natively which is why its overworking your CPU. Modus is the only native mod player for win i know about. Later, Baskin UT Austin Team OS/2 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 01:11:15 +0200 From: Piet van Oostrum Subject: Computer Music bibliography There is a bibliography on synthesizers, midi, computer and electronic music that I have collected from various sources. I have tried to bring some structure into it, but not all books will fit into a single subject. NOTE: I haven't read these books, and the comments are from other people. The latest version of this file can be obtained by ftp from [] in pub/MIDI/DOC/bibliography or by mail from (send a message with HELP in the body). From the mail-server the filename without pub/ should be used. The latest monthly version is also available in the various news.answers archives around the world, in music/midi/bibliography. Version: $Id: bibliography.pre,v 1.31 1995/04/11 12:04:33 piet Exp $ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 12:00:54 +0200 (MET DST) From: (Lam RA) Subject: Cyclones slow down Hello out there, Does anyone know anything to solve the incredible slow down in Cyclones (from SSI) It is supposed te have "native" gus support (I believe it HMI) but when I select the GUS I get an unplayable slowdown in the game. And when I select SB (which I also have in my system) the game plays normal. Has anyone else experienced this? Or is it just me. For the record, my configuration is: ultrasnd=240,7,7,11,5 Soundblaster=220 7 1 Since this is a dos extender game, I tried to just bypass my config file, and the enter the right sets (ultrasnd & ultradir) run ultrinit but to no avail. Also I tried one other gus setup (240,3,3,5,5) but nothing worked. Is there someone who has any idea? Let me know, either here at the digest or at Thanks Remco Lam ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 11:44:44 +0100 From: (Ian Silvester) Subject: Drums in MIDI Somebody last week asked about recording drums using Midisoft Recording Session. The question I think they were asking was not 'How do you get drum sounds out of the sequencer?' but rather, 'How can i audition drum sounds/hear them as I am recording them?'. The reason I raise this again is that I have exactly the same problem, except I'd widen it to all the sequencers I've tried (WinJammer, MasterTracks Pro, Midisoft Recording Session, Musicator GS). Is there a way to hear drum sounds as you're hitting the keys in any of these sequencers? Or do I have to get a separate rhythm package to be able to do drums easily? I'll post the usenet music group as well and I'll forward anything useful to here for the benefit of the guy who posted the question originally. Yan. ------------------------- -------------------------------------- Ian Silvester, Phone: +44 (0)1785 353348 Research Associate, Fax: +44 (0)1785 353331 School Of Engineering, "He dreams... while he's not sleeping" Staffordshire University. - The Chameleons ------------------------- -------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 01:29:40 -0700 From: (Dustin McCartney) Subject: Electric Guitar Patches... Well... Just uploaded to /pub/pc/ultrasound/submit/ -- Begin Paste -- _ _ [_ [_ [_lysium [_ntertainment Presents... E_E-Gtrs.Zip ------------ A small collection of Guitar Patches for the Gravis UltraSound/MAX/Ace/(InterWave??). =) It has been a long... long time since I have released any patches for the Advanced Gravis soundcards. College has stolen most of my time. This will probably be my first/ last release for several months as I am going to be moving to Sang-Nam She, South Korea, to further study Hapkido, Yudo (Judo), and Gumdo (Kendo). Anyhow, here are the patches contained in this archive : CleanGtr.Pat (92k) Fender Strat., Clean Elec. DistGtr.Pat (57k) Distortion Guitar, Kawai MuteGtr.Pat (24k) Same ole' Muted Elec. Guitar ODGuitar.Pat (57k) Overdriven Guitar, Elec. Anyhow, enjoy these... Dustin McCartney, (New E-Address) _ [_ Elysium Entertainment [_ Coder/Musician/Patch Maker PS: I will not respond to E-Mail after May 28th. -- End Paste -- BTW: I was reading through some of the last few digests about how the Sound Canvas sounds better than the GUS. Having both a GUS-MAX and SC-55 (Sound Canvas) as well as more professional equipment, I disagree that the Sound Canvas sounds better than the GUS. Sincerely, Dustin McCartney, ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Apr 1995 19:51:17 +0100 (BST) From: Sam Subject: Re: GUS Daily Digest V21 #29 > If Gravis releases Win 9x drivers BEFORE or at the same time as their > OS/2 drivers, I'm gonna make it my business to tell everybody to avoid the > GUS. I were you, I'd tell everyone to GET one *whenever* the drivers come out for their OS. > > AMD licensed the technology from Gravis/Forte. They'll have to pay for > > this. As far as I know they will still be using all Gravis' software > > (drivers, MegaEm, patchmaker, etc) which they will have to pay for too. > > You have to be kidding! If AMD is STUPID enough to do their > "backward compatibility" via software then I hope the InterWave dies > quickly. What's next, it will still have the MASSIVE 1 MB RAM (384K more > than Bill Gate's PC ];->) for patches? IW will be 100% gus hardware compatible. SB and GM compat. will be with megaem, (i.e. hardware-assisted software) same as it is now. The software (drivers, patchmaker etc) will obviously be upgraded to support the extra RAM, but I'm going with the assumption that it'll be the same software, just newer versions. > From: (Bo Van Cleave) > Subject: mod4win and my gus > > I just got mod4win v2.0 shareware from wuarchive. It looks real nice and > has bunches of interesting features. Only one problem. On my 486slc2/66 it > takes over 100% cpu time to play a 28 channel mtm @ 44khz/16bit/stereo. It > sounds like the program is using the cpu to do the channel mixing. I Under Windows, to be compatible with the Gravis drivers (and to follow the windows rules) you are not allowed to use hardware directly, so you have to mix it on the CPU. Win95 is supposed to fix this by allowing native access to RAM wavetable cards (I think it's called DirectSound). Until then, you could get MIDAS drivers (as mentioned elsewhere) which support GUS directly. However this is only reliable if you uninstall the GUS drivers - so you will lose MIDI and WAV playback. (also, I think they only support .mod and .s3m). Sam [] <[ Web pagE ]> *NEW* Sysex Manager ! [] [] For Software Forge program information and downloads [] Including [] [] NETRIS 1.1 best Tetris game <[ For Win 3.1 ]> Sysex Manager 1.0S [] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Apr 95 15:37:39 EDT From: (Ivan Hoo) Subject: GUS FAQ Q*: Sound Effects Editing hi, anyone out there knows where i can get public domain technical information for sound effects editing such as echo, reverb, flanging, delay, stretching, envelope, invert, and god knows what other special effects that exist. thanks. -- Ivan Hoo * Michigan Tech Univ * * Voice : (906)482-6740 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "A hard working graduating student looking for | Resume available an entry level Electrical Engineer position." | at my homepage or | upon request. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EE Major * Linux Explorer * CTS Consultant * * slp -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A can of worms full of Pandora's boxes. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 03:55:00 -0400 From: Dennis-' Subject: Gus for sale2 Message-ID: <"Mon May 1 03:55:39 199500*/G=Dennis-'t/S=Hart/OU=2496WVLC/O=TMNL.LCN/PRMD=LANGATE/ADMD=TELEMAIL/C=GB/"@MHS> ICAgICBGZWxsb3cgR1VTU0VSUywNCiAgICAgDQogICAgIEkndmUgc2VudCBhIG1lc3NhZ2UgYSBj b3VwbGUgb2YgZGF5cyBhZ28gYnV0IGFsbCB0aGVyZSB3YXMsIHdhcyANCiAgICAgc3RyYW5nZSBB U0NJSSBjaGFyYWN0ZXJzLiBMZXQncyB0cnkgYWdhaW46DQogICAgIA0KICAgICBEb24ndCBnZXQg c2NhcmVkIGFuZCBzdGFydCBzd2VhdGluZy4gSSB3YW50IHRvIHNlbGwgbXkgR1VTIGluIG9yZGVy IHRvIA0KICAgICBidXkgYSBNQVguDQogICAgIEZvciBTYWxlOiBHVVMgY2FyZCAsMU1iIHJhbSwg R1VTIHNvZnR3YXJlLCBvcmlnaW5hbCBib29rcywgQXVkaW8gY2FibGUgDQogICAgIGFuZCBsb3Rz IG9mIHNoYXJld2FyZSBpZiB5b3UgbGlrZS4NCiAgICAgQ29zdHM6IEZMLjI1MCwtIGR1dGNoIGd1 aWxkZXJzIG9yIJwxMjAsLQ0KICAgICANCiAgICAgZS1NYWlsIDogbWVuYWNlQGxjbm5sLnNwcmlu dC5jb20NCg== ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Apr 1995 22:46:51 -0300 From: Brad Spencer Subject: GUS Josytick Port Message-ID: I know that Lucasfilm recommended not using the joyport on the GUS, but I figured that it was just them. :) A bit of experimentation shows that the GUS's joystick port isn't perfect, especially in Doom (uncontinuous right turns are very annoying). The joystick port on my I/O card works fine, but only has two buttons. :( Now, it isn't a multiple joystick port conflict, and it didn't happen with my old GUS (v2.4, new one v3.7), which had a jumper to enable/disable the port and didn't suffer from this problem. So is this a known bug (at least in the new revisions of the board) . . . or an unknown one? :) I have to buy a new I/O card anyway, but if I didn't, I would be really pissed off. The GUS rules, but why can't Gravis, being the king of joysticks, manage to make a proper joystick port? ----------------------------------------------------------------- Brad Spencer - Bilbo - - Dalhousie University "Everybody is Kung-Fu Fragging. . ." ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 09:50:33 -0400 From: (Chris Demers, Computer Services, Lambton County Board of Ed.) Subject: Gus setup for Windows 95 I will be installing the latest Beta of Windows 95 on my PC soon and I wanted to be clear about how I should go about installing the gus stuff for windows. Some folks here have said that windows 95 should be installed over an old copy of windows that already had the Gus working. Is this the only way of getting the Gus to work with Win95? Or can the drivers and programs be installed after I install Win95? Thanks Chris Demers ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Apr 1995 15:48:01 -0400 (EDT) From: Brian Go Subject: I'm gonna do a no no... I know this is a no no, but can someone tell me the proper address to subscribe? Brian Go Organic Alchemyst Displaced Montrealer in Ontario =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Wow... Come Visit my Cafe. Bring a Friend, and some creative banter. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 May 95 10:16:43 HKT From: fma@VNET.IBM.COM Subject: MAXSBOS and GUS port number Hello all, Is there any patch available to make MAXSBOS to recognise port number other than 220? Thanks! Fermat Ma ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 01:11:14 +0200 From: Piet van Oostrum Subject: Midi files/software archives on the Internet There is a list of ftp and mail server archives with MIDI documentation, programs and music on the Internet. Also enclosed is a list of MIDI and electronic music related mailing lists. The latest version of this file can be obtained by ftp from [] in pub/MIDI/DOC/archives or by mail from (send a message with HELP in the body). From the mail-server the filename without pub/ should be used. The latest monthly version is also available in the various news.answers archives around the world, in music/midi/archives. Version: $Id: archives,v 1.122 1995/04/04 11:03:20 piet Exp $ ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Apr 1995 19:07:58 GMT From: (Matt Robinson) Subject: Stuff > > 2) Could the reason why the DOS based drivers SBOS and MegaEM aren't > > progressing (no insult intended to the programmer, they are fine! But > > development never ends...) is because with the end of MS-DOS, the > > emulators are no longer needed (with WIN95)? Sure, PC-DOS and all could > > use them (i think) but Gravis may think that what's out is all that they > > need, and can concentrate on WIN95? Just a thought... I'm probably wrong... > > Edit IO.SYS of Win 9x to (BootGUI = 0) then tell me that MS-DOS > is dead. The win95 bootup sequence includes a command prompt so that realmode device drivers can load. After they have loaded, win95 checks if a 32bit equivalent is available and if so, it will replace it. If no realmode drivers are left, then the "command-prompt" is removed and win95 runs completely in 32bit mode. The prompt is there purely for compatibility. Read the preview program documentation if you want proof, there's LOADS of detail. > If Gravis releases Win 9x drivers BEFORE or at the same time as their > OS/2 drivers, I'm gonna make it my business to tell everybody to avoid the > GUS. Why? If the win3.1 drivers work with win95 (like on my computer), then we can all wait for win95 drivers to come out. It's not as if the GUS won't work under windows or anything (I can run The Lion King in a window with native GUS support and have the win3.1 drivers loaded, while formatting a floppy, on a 486, now tell me win95 is crap.) > I finally got Magic Carpet and maxsbos running today after two > days of trying. Anyways, I just wanted to say that I was impressed with > maxsbos. The game actually sounded better then my friends SoundBastard. > That's a good deal! :) Just wanted to comment.. How? Matt -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the velvet blackness of an African night |*RAD HOST(Lion King) - at the hour before dawn when the land is full of dreams -|*FDC Nobody a lone voice heralds the new day |*X-Phile & GUS user | As the red disc of the sun rises, |*Ask me anything the one voice becomes many | Lion King related. until the Pride Lands echo with song. | __The Art of The Lion ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Apr 1995 19:21:03 +0200 (MET DST) From: "Bernd Schaefer (CIP 92)" Subject: SUBSCRIBE subscribe ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 30 Apr 1995 14:24:10 -0700 (PDT) From: Marty Danko -Khertz- Subject: ULTRATRACKER v1.6 (Volume changes) Hello gussers, I have noticed something strange about ultratraker 1.6. When I use the volume slide up or slide down I get a static like noise out of my ultrasound. I ahve also noticed this same static like noise in patchmaker lite for windows (when I use the envelope feature). Why does the card do this. Is it because of the way the program is using the card, or is it just the way the card works? BTW I have a GUS max with 1mb of ram, here are my settings: ultrasnd=220,5,7,5,7 I have version 2.31 of ultrinit.exe and the latest windows drivers. Anyone else have this problem?! It is really annoying. I would GREATLY apritiate any feedback on this prob. feel free to e-mail me! Thanks! L8tRz -Marty ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 03:10:53 -0400 From: (Adam Glick) Subject: windows lockups hi all, I have win for workgroups. but if I run it without running something that uses the gus first (like a demo or sbos) then it will work. otherwise it locks up when It tries to play the opening sound. now I installed the new drivers (4.11) and now sbos won't load (it gives me a dma or irq or something ewrror) win won't work either. win used to work with the drivers I have installed before. (not ones that came with it but a few upgrades ago) then when I upgraaded it stoped working. anyone know how to fix this. its a real prob. I can't use the mic input wither with this prob. any e-mailed help will relally be apreciated. thanks again -Adam 'A person who believes one thing will solve all their problems is a fool : they're twice the fool if they believe the thing that will fix their problems is money' ------------------------------ End of GUS Daily Digest V22 #1 ****************************** To post to tomorrow's digest: To (un)subscribe or get help: To contact a human (last resort): FTP Sites Archive Directories --------- ------------------- Main N.American Site: pub/packages/gravis systems/ibmpc/ultrasound pub/ultrasound Main Asian Site: PC/ultrasound Main European Site: packages/ultrasound Main Australian Site: /ultrasound/general /ultrasound/submit South African Site: /pub/packages/ultrasound Submissions: pub/pc/ultrasound/submit Newly Validated Files: pub/pc/ultrasound Mirrors: mirror/ultrasound pc/ultrasound pub/msdos/ultrasound Gopher Sites Menu directory ------------ -------------- Main Site: packages/ultrasound WWW Pages --------- Main Site: Main European Site: Main Australian Site: Mirrors: GUS digest: MailServer For Archive Access: Email to Email to New Submit Files Mailing List: Email to with content "subscribe epas-list " Hints: - Get the FAQ from the FTP sites or the request server. - Mail to for info about other GUS related mailing lists (programmers, musicians, etc.).